Stars of Orange – Dance for Cancer

by | Feb 2, 2024 | General

We are excited to confirm that our Dannielle Ford will be donning her dancing shoes on 4 May 2024 to take part in the Cancer Council Stars of Orange event. The Cancer Council is internationally renowned for innovative work in cancer research, prevention and support.

Cheney Suthers has been a proud support of the Cancer Council Pro Bono Legal Program for a number of years. We have assisted several patients to get peace of mind by obtaining their estate planning instructions and drafting their Wills, Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardianship. This has been a real privilege but we feel that we can do so much more for the Cancer Council and our local community.

With a goal to raise $10,000, Dannielle will be hosting an awe-inspiring art event in collaboration with local artist, Kayla Henley. You can secure a ticket here.

Every dollar raised will help Cancer Council NSW to:

  • grant money to internal and external research stakeholders to reduce the mortality rate of cancer
  • educate people about cancer, its effect on the local community and how to prevent cancer
  • provide financial and legal support to cancer patients, their carers and families
  • continue to provide services such as Transport2Treatment and subsidised accommodation for cancer patients and their carers
  • campaign for much needed cancer support services
  • continue to support cancer survivors in the days, months and years after their treatment

More information can be found at the Cancer Council website.

Dannielle is rhythmically challenged but we hope you will support her. You can donate to Dannielle here.

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