Peter Wilson
Peter Wilson is a consultant solicitor with Cheney Suthers, having initially joined the firm as a partner in 1986. Peter conducted a thriving litigation practice in areas ranging from commercial, succession and employment disputes to personal injury and professional negligence. Peter is a graduate of Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School, holds degrees in economics and laws from the Australian National University and has a diploma in financial management from the University of New England. He was admitted as a solicitor in 1977 and has a particular interest in farm succession, business and taxation law.
Peter produces wheat, wool, lamb and beef on his family’s farms at Trangie in partnership with his wife, son and daughter in law.
Peter has been a Board member and Treasurer of the New South Wales Farmers Association, Chair of its Business Economics and Trade (BEAT) Committee and its representative on the National Farmers Federation Trade Committee. He has also been a member of the Association’s Corporate Governance Committee and Chair of its Finance and Audit Committee. Peter is currently a member of the Association’s Constitutional Review Taskforce.