COVID-19: The risk of domestic violence during self-isolation

by | Apr 20, 2020 | Family Law, General

Many employees are working remotely as the strict COVID-19 protocols, such as self-isolation and social distancing, remain in place in Australia. Others may have been forced out of a job and are now enduring financial or psychological distress. Unfortunately, it is speculated that this may result in an increase of domestic abuse, putting those in violent relationships at further risk.

Victims may be suffering due to restricted living arrangements, minimised contact to support networks, or being unable to seek help due to the prolonged presence of an abuser. 95% of those seeking refuge from their own home will be women, and may be having trouble leaving due to isolation, financial constraints, children, and fear.

Domestic Violence NSW has listed support services for victims, or those with COVID-19 specific questions, such as 24/7 hotlines, specialist services, and centres providing women across NSW with a range of free legal services.

Furthermore, the Government continues to offer support to those in need, and recently announced a $1.1 billion relief package for domestic violence, mental health, and telehealth. The announcement was delivered with the concerning statistics that Google has had the highest magnitude of searches for domestic violence in the past five years with an increase of 75%.

The most important thing to remember if you, or someone you know, are isolated with a violent partner then there is help available.

Remember, if you are in immediate danger, please contact the police on 000.

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