Simplifying the NSW Reconstruction Authority Home Buyback Program
If you’re familiar with the basics of the NSW Reconstruction Authority’s Home Buyback Program but want to better understand how it works in...
Sutcliffe v Harper [2025] NSWSC 54 – A timely reminder to update your will
Creating a Will is not a task that should be completed once and locked away never to be looked at again during your lifetime. It is imperative that...
Kramer v Stone [2024] HCA 48 – Proprietary Estoppel
Estate planning is not just a task to be ticked off and requires careful consideration. It is necessary to explore with a testator any promises they...
GenAI and the legal profession
The NSW Supreme Court Practice Note SC Gen 23 is effective from 3 February 2025. The Practice Note bans the use of Generative AI in the preparation...
New proposed laws to keep Australian children safer online
In a significant move to enhance online safety for young people, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, alongside Communications Minister...
Resale Price Maintenance – Can you dictate the amount a stockist sells your product for?
Are you a product based business? Did you know that it is illegal for suppliers to impose minimum prices for the resale of their goods and services?...
A landholder’s guide to navigating compulsory acquisition of their property
Government bodies and private entities can acquire an interest in private properties across the country for their infrastructure projects via a...
Kemp v Findlay [2024] NSWSC 902 – A cautionary tale to take legal advice when preparing a will
As well as making your wishes clear, having a valid will might prevent your personal affairs from being splashed through the news as a recent...
Director Penalties
Company tax and superannuation liabilities which may have gone under the radar for years are the focus of a new crackdown by the Australian Taxation...
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